Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cellphones: Verizon's LG VX10000 Voyager Revealed and Groped (with Gallery) - Gizmodo

I saw this first on the Wii's news channel last night:
Cellphones: Verizon's LG VX10000 Voyager Revealed and Groped (with Gallery) - Gizmodo close! It looks awesome (though obviously a rip-off 'me-too' device), and I like some of its features better than the iPhone (read: a Qwerty keyboard), but... NO WIFI!!? Seems like they just should have slapped a better GUI on a Windows Mobile OS - like Media Center within XP or Vista. Give me wifi, internet explorer, office apps, etc WITH some of these very cool features.

Sorry to say, I don't think this device will cut it. It's along the right lines however, I'll sure be keeping my eyes peeled for the right phone for me. Maybe it's closer to reality than I was afraid!

(BTW, in the meantime, my XV6700 is still the best alternative out there, hands-down. The new firmware upgrade, along with Vista, took care of all my issues I used to have with it, except I wish it natively synched over wifi...)

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